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How To Stop Hair Loss In Teenage Girl

Limit The Use Of Hairdryers

How to stop hair fall & causes of hair loss in teenage girls or women | HairMD, Pune

Heat weakens hair proteins. Continuous heating and drying of the hair may cause the hair strands to weaken and break, thus hair loss. Otherwise, the problem of hair loss might not occur. It is best for her hair to dry on its own. So dont use a hairdryer and let your hair dry on its own. Other devices that give heat to your hair include curling irons, electric hairbrushes, and hair straighteners, which also damage your hair. If you are using heated tools, be careful because the constantly burning scalp can permanently damage the hair follicles.

What Can Be Done To Prevent And Stop Teen Hair Loss

Having exhausted all the major possible causes for hair loss in teens, the measures that can and should be taken follow quite logically:

  • Adjust your hair care products to ones that are suitable and healthy for your particular hair. Avoid strong chemicals and focus more on moisturizing, nutritional, and natural products that will help your hair grow strong and fast.
  • Wash your hair regularly and thoroughly without going overboard with the shampoo and the conditioner. Ideally, you should be taking daily showers but only use your shampoo 2 or 3 times per week.
  • Keep your hair safe from heat and too much direct sunlight. Yes, too much hot and direct sunlight can be damaging not just to your skin but to your hair as well keep that in mind at all times.
  • Avoid unhealthy behavior such as pulling your hair or styling it with too many strong chemical products.
  • Consult a medical professional as soon as possible if you suspect the presence of an underlying health condition.
  • Ayurvedic View Of Normal Hair Fall

    Ayurveda believes that the features of your hair and its falling conditions depend on the equilibrium of tridoshas, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

    These three doshas are the vital biological energies of life, which combine in a unique ratio in every individual. This unique combination of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha determines the innate Prakriti of an individual, while one or more doshas have a dominant contribution.

      • People with Vata dominant Prakriti usually have very thin hair which can be straight and unruly. In these people, Vata dosha may get easily aggravated when compared to the other two doshas.
      • People with Pitta dominant Prakriti may have fine and straight hair with moderate thickness. In these people, Pitta dosha may get easily triggered while compared to other doshas.
      • People with Kapha dominant Prakriti may have wavy, strong, and thicker hair. In these people, Kapha dosha can be easily aggravated when compared to Vata and Pitta.

    In normal conditions, the Vata hair type is a bit weaker than Pitta’s hair, while Kapha’s hair type is stronger than both, says Dr. Zeel.

    Also, in the lifespan of an individual,

    Other than hair fall that occurs with growing age, in any condition, your hair grows healthy when these three doshas in your body are at equilibrium, while they balance each other. Any imbalance occurring in tridoshas due to internal or external factors may lead to abnormal hair fall or hair loss.

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    Try Massaging Your Scalp

    Massaging the scalp with a nourishing oil increases the flow of blood to the surface of the scalp and to the hair follicles. Massage by rubbing the scalp warms the skin, and increases circulation there. In other words, the cells in the hair follicles are adequately nourished, and as a result, the growth potential of the hair increases. Massage on the scalp helps you relax, and this relaxation affects all bodily functions.

    Identifying Imbalances In Dosha Levels

    8 Remedies To Prevent And Treat Hair Loss In Teenage Girls
    • When Vata dosha aggravates, it is indicated by dry and frizzy hair with split ends. Your scalp gets dehydrated and hair becomes brittle and lustreless. Eventually, your hair breaks or becomes very thin and falls out in clumps.
    • When Pitta dosha aggravates, it is indicated by scalp inflammation and premature greying of your hair. You will also undergo short-temper, anxiety, and stress when Pitta dosha spikes up. It causes severe hair fall, which leads to baldness over time.
    • When Kapha dosha aggravates, it is indicated by excessive oiliness on your scalp and hair. You may also have itchy and oily dandruff associated with scalp acne. Hair loss can be the result.

    Sometimes, more than one dosha can be in an elevated state, which can lead to compound damage on your hair’s healthy growth and cause hair fall. You need to understand your underlying dosha imbalances before treating your hair loss.

    Other signs that indicate abnormal hair fall and hair loss may include the following:

    • Hair starts thinning gradually on top of the head .
    • Circular or patchy bald spots start occurring in the areas of the scalp, beard or eyebrows.
    • Hair loosens up suddenly and falls out in clumps.
    • One may experience temporary hair loss during treatments like chemotherapy for cancer.
    • Skin diseases like ringworm, psoriasis, etc. cause patches of scaling over the scalp. It leads to the swelling of hair follicles and eventually hair loss.

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    What Causes Hair Loss In Teenage Girls And How To Stop It

    According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, shedding 50 to 100 hairs in a day is normal . But when there is an abnormal hair loss in teenage girls, it might be a matter of concern because we do not usually expect hair loss to occur during teenage years. However, excessive hair loss can happen due to various reasons.

    Most causes for hair loss are temporary, so do not panic. In this post, we tell you about some natural ways to prevent hair loss in teenage girls, the possible causes of excessive hair loss and the treatment options.

    Noticeable Hair Loss In Women Can Be Deeply Distressing Here Are Some Medical Treatments That May Help

    About one-third of women experience hair loss at some time in their lives among postmenopausal women, as many as two-thirds suffer hair thinning or bald spots. Hair loss in women often has a greater impact than hair loss does on men w, because it’s less socially acceptable for them. Alopecia can severely affect a woman’s emotional well-being and quality of life.

    The main type of hair loss in women is the same as it is men. It’s called androgenetic alopecia, or female pattern hair loss. In men, hair loss usually begins above the temples, and the receding hairline eventually forms a characteristic “M” shape hair at the top of the head also thins, often progressing to baldness. In women, androgenetic alopecia begins with gradual thinning at the part line, followed by increasing diffuse hair loss radiating from the top of the head. A woman’s hairline rarely recedes, and women rarely become bald.

    There are many potential causes of hair loss in women , including medical conditions, medications, and physical or emotional stress. If you notice unusual hair loss of any kind, it’s important to see your primary care provider or a dermatologist, to determine the cause and appropriate treatment. You may also want to ask your clinician for a referral to a therapist or support group to address emotional difficulties. Hair loss in women can be frustrating, but recent years have seen an increase in resources for coping with the problem.

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    Coping With Hair Loss

    While losing hair at a young age may be concerning, hair loss is a reality for many people as they age. One study posted to the Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology noted that up to 75% of females would experience hair loss from androgenetic alopecia by the time they are 65 years old.

    While many females look for ways to treat hair loss while they are young, at some point, most people accept hair loss as a natural part of the aging process.

    Some people may choose to wear head garments or wigs as a workaround to hair loss. Others work with their aging hair by wearing a shorter haircut that may make thin hair less apparent.

    Dont Tie Your Hair Too Tight

    What Causes Hair Loss in Teenage Girls and How to STOP IT!

    In some hairstyles, you need to tie your hair tightly hair elastic and hairpins, when used every day, can cause hair loss. For example, tightly tied ponytails, tightly knitted braids, African braids , and braids can cause significant hair loss when done every day. Wrapping the hair tightly with the curler, especially the heated one, may cause further hair loss. Hair loss caused by tying the hair too tightly is called traction alopecia in medicine. Since this is the cause of hair loss, this situation can be completely prevented.

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    Can You Stop Hair Loss In Female Teenagers

    Hair loss in teenagers could be prevented and even reversed in some cases. Correcting a hormonal imbalance, for example, can boost hair growth if youre having hair loss due to a thyroid hormone imbalance.

    Other causes, such as genetic hair loss, have no known cure and would most likely progress over time unless treated.

    A proper diagnostic from a specialist is the best approach to find out if you could stop hair loss.

    Hair Loss In Teenaged Girls Going Through Puberty

    Aside from the vast hormonal changes associated with puberty, there are other potential causes of hair loss that young girls might experience. These include the following:

    • Certain medications that alter hormonal functions or cause imbalances such as birth control
    • A lack of a nutritious diet can also cause hair loss. Not getting enough vitamins and essential nutrients or proteins through the foods you consume can actually damage your hair, making it brittle and causing it to dry out. Eventually, your hair follicles could even become so inflamed that theyre completely incapable of producing new hair strands
    • Over-styling your hair and using too many heated styling tools such as curlers, straighteners, and blow dryers in addition to chemical-laden products can hinder the overall health of your hair and cause it to prematurely fall out. Also, tight hairstyles such as ponytails, braids, and buns can place a great deal of pressure on the hair follicles because the hair strands are constantly being pulled back and this can cause hair to fall out in clumps, leading to unsightly and embarrassing bald spots.

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    Medicines For Hereditary Hair Loss

    Finasteride and minoxidil are the main medicines currently available to treat hair loss. However, they are not subsidised in New Zealand, so you need to pay for them yourselves.

    Medicines that are used to treat hair loss provide different results for different people. It’s also not possible to predict who may or may not benefit from treatment.


    This is a prescription-only treatment for hereditary hair loss in men. It is available as a tablet. It works by blocking the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. The hair follicles then are not affected by this hormone and will not shrink. Treatment needs to be continued for at least 6 months once started. If successful, the treatment is continued to maintain the effect.

    Talk to your doctor to find out whether finasteride is suitable for you. Women should not take finasteride as a treatment for hair loss.

    Hair clinics may arrange prescriptions for both local and oral treatments. Read more about finasteride.

    Minoxidil topical lotion

    Minoxidil is a rub-on treatment that can be bought from your local pharmacy. It can be used by both men and women. It needs to be applied twice daily to the scalp while it is dry. Minoxidil is more effective in the earlier stages of hair loss. Treatment needs to be continued for at least 6 months once started. If successful, treatment is continued to maintain the effect. Sometimes, a low-dose minoxidil tablet can also be prescribed for hair loss.

    Connections Between Teenage Hormones And Hair Loss

    5 common causes for hair loss in teenage girls

    Perhaps one of the worst offending culprits when it comes to hair loss in teens is the commencement of puberty. The hormonal changes that take place during this very delicate period of adolescence can cause all kids of disturbances throughout a young persons body.

    The fact is that hormonal changes can have a massive and unmistakable impact on hair growth patterns and in some cases, it can happen seemingly overnight. One day you might have a stunning full head of hair and then the next day, you might start to notice your hair is falling out in large chunks or youre constantly clogging the shower drain.

    If this is something you can relate to, then it may be time to get your hormone levels checked immediately. During puberty, both males and females may experience a sudden influx of dihydrotestosterone . While this is a form of steroid and testosterone thats typically present in the male anatomy, trace amounts of it naturally exist in women as well. Excessive amounts of DHT can have adverse effects on the body, particularly healthy hair regeneration.

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    Hair Loss In Teenaged Males Going Through Puberty

    Like girls, teenaged boys are equally susceptible to suffering from premature hair loss, but not necessarily for all of the same reasons. While there are numerous overlapping causes of hair loss between the sexes , there are some that are more likely to afflict teenaged boys than girls. These include:

    • Receding hair lines are fairly common in young men who are going through puberty. This is when you start to notice your hair line gradually starting to recede toward the back of your head so that your forehead appears to be much larger than it actually is.
    • Male Pattern Baldness usually starts manifesting itself in males in their early 20s, but for some it can start as early as their mid-teens. This is a genetic condition that can be treated through various topical creams or medical procedures.

    How Is Hereditary Hair Loss Diagnosed

    Your doctor will ask you questions about your hair loss, including the pattern of your hair loss and whether you have any other medical conditions. Your doctor will also examine your hair. No tests are needed to diagnose hereditary hair loss, but blood tests may be done to rule out other conditions that can cause hair loss.

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    Hair Loss Diet For Teenage Girls

    Lets know how a teenage girl can have a balanced diet to avoid hair loss.

    • When it comes to nutritional deficiency, mainly having good foods which contain a good amount of vitamins and minerals, proteins, omega 3 fatty acids, etc are good for your hair. There are also supplements if require to cure severe anemia or any other vitamin deficiency can be consumed, but make sure you consult a nutritionist or a dietician for better help for your hair.
    • If nutrition is the main cause, then altering the diet becomes the main treatment for teenage girls. Having foods like a good amount of protein-rich foods like pulses, eggs, white meat, soy products, toned milk tofu, paneer etc. Vitamin A, C, D and folic acid is good for hair loss. Along with some supporting measures, you can control your hair loss.
    • If we know the underlying problem, we can go ahead with dietary changes to make up for the deficiency of B12, B3 as well as protein. Along with dietary changes you need to keep yourself active and follow some home remedies for better hair loss control.

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