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What Causes Hereditary Hair Loss

Your Hair Is Too Tight

Hereditary Hair Loss: Causes and Treatment | Mens ROGAINE®

Fashion and healthy-hair often sit together about as well as oil and water tight braids, man buns, cornrows and harsh treatments can all damage your scalp significantly. And if the roots are damaged, that means hair loss.

Treating hair loss caused by your hair being too tight: Be sensible, and dont follow hair damaging trends that pull your hair too tight. Take care of your scalp by using moisturising shampoos and conditioners, and avoid dying your hair too often without a break.

How Common Is Male Pattern Hair Loss

Male pattern hair loss affects nearly all men at some point in their lives. It affects different populations at different rates, probably because of genetics. Up to half of male Caucasians will experience some degree of hair loss by age 50, and possibly as many as 80% by the age of 70 years, while other population groups such as Japanese and Chinese men are far less affected.

The severity of hair loss can be classified in several ways. Norwood and Sinclair systems are shown below.

Classification of male pattern alopecia

What Does Hereditary Hair Loss Look Like For A Woman

Women experience hereditary hair loss, or pattern hair loss, in a much different way. Hair thinning in women, female pattern hair loss, usually does not follow a specific pattern and does not result in baldness. Instead, diffusion occurs gradually, resulting in less volume and density in your hair. Hereditary hair thinning left untreated can result in more visible scalp than hair.

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What Does Hereditary Hair Loss Look Like For A Man

Male pattern baldness usually starts at the temples or crown of the head. The hair begins receding at the temples. Sometimes a patch of hair at the front of the hairline is left while a balding spot begins in the crown. As the hair continues to recede and thin, those areas widen to form a larger bald spot. Sometimes hair may be left around the sides and back of the head.

While male pattern hair loss may be more commonly recognized, and fashionably accepted, it can be extremely stressful and unwanted by those experiencing it.

Why Is My Hair Falling Out

Hereditary hair loss: How to tackle genetic hair loss Elithair

Wonder why your hair is falling out? The answers may surprise you. Many women suffer with sudden hair loss, and most loss of hair has a reason whether genetic, stress, diet, medication, or certain health conditions.

The most common type of hair loss is the kind that you inherit, called androgenetic alopecia. With genetic hair loss, you lose your hair gradually, and hair loss increases with age. But in some cases, other factors may lead to your hair falling out. It is especially likely that a nongenetic factor may be causing your loss of hair if your once thick, healthy hair suddenly and noticeably begins falling out.

Most of us normally shed 50 to 100 hairs a day. This loss of hair generally does not cause thinning of hair because at the same time new hair is growing on your scalp. But sudden hair loss is something to take seriously. According to the Mayo Clinic, this loss of hair occurs when the cycle of hair growth and shedding is disrupted or when the hair follicle is destroyed and replaced with scar tissue.

Hair disorders such as androgenetic alopecia are the most common cause of hair loss, affecting about 80 million people in the United States, including both men and women. Women with hereditary hair loss most commonly notice a widening part in the front and center of the scalp with generalized thinning, while men see bald patches on the head.

But other than genetic reasons, there are many factors that can result in hair loss, including:

  • Age
  • Poor nutrition
  • Stress

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What Is The Normal Hair Growth Cycle

All hair follicles are replaced at different rates by the normal process of hair cycling. Hair growth alternates between phases of activity and rest. The growth period, called the anagen phase, lasts for two to six years. During this time, the follicle is long and deep and produces thick, well-pigmented hair. About 90% of all scalp hairs are in the anagen phase at a given time.

Anagen is followed by a brief transition phase known as the catagen phase, which lasts 12 weeks. During this time, the base of the follicle shrivels. The resting period, or telogen phase, follows catagen and lasts for three months. In this phase, the shrunken follicle retains the hair fibre. Following the telogen phase, the next anagen phase begins, and the old hair is dislodged and falls out to make room for new hair to begin growing in its place.

The normal hair growth cycle

Trichotillomania Is An Impulse Control Disorder

Trichotillomania is a type of mental disorder known as an impulse control disorder, and is most commonly seen in teenagers, particularly teenage girls. In trichotillomania, people feel compelled to impulsively and repeatedly pull out their own hair, which can result in noticeable loss of hair. People with trichotillomania experience a constant urge to pull out the hair from their scalp, eyelashes, nose, eyebrows, and other areas of their bodies.

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What Causes Hair Loss In Women

Hair loss in women is much more common than many realize. In fact, it is estimated that 50% of women will experience significant hair loss at some point in their lives.

But what are the most common causes of hair loss in women? Read on to find out how hair loss affects women, along with what you can do to encourage fuller, thicker locks ASAP.

Hereditary Hair Loss: Can You Treat Genetic Hair Loss

What causes hereditary hair loss

Medically reviewed by Vicky Davis, FNP

As men age, it is common for their hair to become thinner and more sparse. But what if its falling out altogether? That can be a total blow to your confidence.

In this article, well take a comprehensive look at hereditary hair loss. Well dive into the symptoms, causes, telltale signs, and treatment options for baldness. Because thats why youre here, right?

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Hair Loss Treatments That Can Help

While research into new hair loss medications and scalp creams are constant, only two products have been consistently effective:

Minoxidil â Also known as Rogaine, Minoxidil is an over-the-counter solution you apply twice-daily to your scalp. It works by increasing blood circulation to the affected area of your scalp, thickening and strengthening the hair follicles. Both men and women can use Rogaine. Results usually show after four to eight months of application.

âIf people use it twice per day religiously, it works. If they only use it once a day or skip a day, less so. Rogaine can be sticky, messy, and uncomfortable on the scalp, so the compliance rate is not that great,â says Kahen.

Finasteride â Finasteride is a prescription pill that addresses genetic hair loss by preventing testosterone from being converted to a substance called DHC which weakens hair follicles. An FDA-approved medication for male pattern baldness, Finasteride is taken once daily and if used consistently, has a high success rate at slowing down genetic hair loss.

While âresults are very predictableâ with both medications, some side effects do arise which can include skin irritations and headaches with Minoxidil, and decreased libido or sexual dysfunction with Finasteride, explains Susan Bard, MD, and a dermatologist in New York.

Add Some Tlc To Your Hair Care Routine

In general, it is best to avoid products with sulfates and parabens, as well as anything that could clog up your follicles, advised Dr. Mullans. Do a regular scalp exfoliation to help clear it of debris and buildup for optimal scalp health.”

We couldnt agree more, which is why weve developed a full line of carefully formulated hair products that are designed specifically with optimal follicular and scalp health in mind. Our GRO Revitalizing Shampoo & Conditioner are free of sulfates, silicones, parabens, gluten and artificial fragrances but packed with powerful phyto-actives that are clinically proven to boost scalp health. Our GRO Scalp Detoxifying Serum can also be used weekly before shampooing and conditioning to help exfoliate and balance out your scalps microbiome. Get all three best-sellers at a discount when you buy the GRO Foundation Kit.

Aside from products, think about how your hair styling routine might be impacting follicles.Aggressive tension along the hairline or tight ponytails along the crown can cause irreparable follicle damage and prevent proper functioning, said Yates. Be nice to your hair, dont overdo it.”

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Changes In Birth Control

Going off hormonal birth control or changing to a different type of hormonal contraception can also cause hormone-induced shedding. “Whether you’re just starting it, discontinuing it, or changing brands, your body can react by causing the hair to go into an increased shedding mode,” Dr. Fusco says.

This is another form of telogen effluvium, which means that its usually temporary. You can rely on volumizing products and styling tricks while you wait for your hair to regain its fullness.

The Causes Of Hereditary Baldness

Is your Hair Loss Hereditary? How to tell. . . â Nourish ...

Non-genetic hair loss can be caused by excessive hair coloring, bleaching, use of heat tools, tight ponytails, and/or hair pulling, but this isnt the case for genetic hair loss. If you are predisposed to hereditary baldness, you can do everything right for your scalp and still lose your hair.

Youve probably heard before that if your mothers father was bald, you have a good chance of inheriting the trait as well. This is because the gene for baldness the androgen receptor is located on the X chromosome, which is inherited from the mother. But studies have found that men whose fathers are bald run a higher risk of having male-pattern baldness than those whose fathers havent experienced hair loss.

In addition to balding patterns, children can also inherit dihydrotestosterone sensitivity from their parents. DHT is a sex hormone in men that causes their hair follicles to shrink over time, and is what eventually causes male-pattern baldnesss.

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What Is Hair Loss

The American Academy of Dermatology notes that 80 million men and women in America have hereditary hair loss .

It can affect just the hair on your scalp or your entire body. Although alopecia is more prevalent in older adults, excessive hair loss can occur in children as well.

Its normal to lose between 50 and 100 hairs a day. With about 100,000 hairs on your head, that small loss isnt noticeable.

New hair normally replaces the lost hair, but this doesnt always happen. Hair loss can develop gradually over years or happen abruptly. Hair loss can be permanent or temporary.

Its impossible to count the amount of hair lost on a given day. You may be losing more hair than is normal if you notice a large amount of hair in the drain after washing your hair or clumps of hair in your brush. You might also notice thinning patches of hair or baldness.

If you notice that youre losing more hair than usual, you should discuss the problem with your doctor. They can determine the underlying cause of your hair loss and suggest appropriate treatment plans.

What Causes Pattern Balding

Male pattern hair loss is an inherited condition, caused by a genetically determined sensitivity to the effects of dihydrotestosterone in some areas of the scalp. DHT is believed to shorten the growth, or anagen, phase of the hair cycle, from a usual duration of 36 years to just weeks or months. This occurs together with miniaturisation of the follicles and progressively produces fewer and finer hairs. The production of DHT is regulated by an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase.

Several genes are involved, accounting for differing age of onset, progression, pattern and severity of hair loss in family members. The susceptibility genes are inherited from both mother and father. At this time, genetic testing for prediction of balding is unreliable.

A few women present with male pattern hair loss because they have excessive levels of androgens as well as genetic predisposition. These women also tend to suffer from acne, irregular menses and excessive facial and body hair. These symptoms are characteristic of polycystic ovarian syndrome although the majority of women with PCOS do not experience hair loss. Less often, congenital adrenal hyperplasia may be responsible. Females that are losing their hair with age are more likely to present with female pattern hair loss, in which hormone tests are normal.

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How To Slow Hair Loss

Hair loss caused by genetic factors is permanent and theres little you can do to stop it. However, there are several ways it can be slowed down.

  • Healthy lifestyle habits. Eating a balanced diet, getting adequate sleep, minimizing stress, and exercising regularly can help support your overall health and hair health.
  • Topical medications. Topical medications such as minoxidil are often the first line of treatment. Usually, you apply these creams directly to your scalp in balding areas.
  • Oral medications. Your doctor may recommend oral medications like finasteride to treat MPB. Finasteride is also used to treat an enlarged prostate.
  • Hair transplantation surgery.Follicular unit transplantation and follicular unit extraction are two types of hair transplantation surgeries that move hair follicles from one part of your scalp to balding areas.
  • Laser therapy . Laser therapy

Genetic Hair Loss Myths Debunked

Heriditary Hair Loss and Hair Thinning

There are lots of myths surrounding hereditary hair loss so lets set the record straight on those first.

Its my mothers fault I have genetic hair loss it comes from her side of the family

A rumour floating around the web has seen many people convinced that baldness and hair shedding is passed down on the mothers side. While this is partly true , you cant place all the blame on poor old Mum! Twin studies have shown that male pattern baldness can come from anywhere in the family, and men with bald fathers have an increased chance of going bald compared with men whose fathers have kept their hair. If theres balding anywhere in your family, you might be at risk.

High levels of hair shedding is a sign I have genetic baldness

Another myth. Genetic baldness generally doesnt always involve handfuls of hair falling out in the shower or onto your pillow. Androgenic alopecia tends to follow a process of miniaturisation, where hairs fall out to be replaced with thinner, shorter hairs. The life cycle of the hair is also reduced, so your hair stays on your scalp for a shorter period of time. If youre shedding clumps of hair, see a doctor this doesnt sound like ordinary genetic hair loss, and there could be a deeper underlying problem.

Im 40 and still have all my hair, so Im safe from genetic hair loss

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