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HomeMust ReadWhat Is A Hair Loss Specialist Called

What Is A Hair Loss Specialist Called

What Kind Of Doctor To See For Hair Loss And What To Expect During The Visit

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Read on to learn which doctors you can speak with to figure out a plan for your hair loss goals, as well as what to expect during a visit.

If you are experiencing hair loss, thinning, or just changes in your hair, there are doctors for that.

Seeing a doctor to maintain the health of your hair, and keep it fuller for longer is just as important as seeing a doctor for any other bothersome medical condition, and should not be avoided.

Read on to learn which doctors you can speak with to figure out a plan for your hair loss goals, as well as what to expect during a visit.

Pull Test And Tug Test

This simple test measures the severity of hair loss. During a pull test, a dermatologist grasps small sections of hair, about 40 strands, from different parts of the scalp and gently tugs. If six or more strands fall out, you have whats known as active hair loss.

This may mean you have one of the following types of hair loss: telogen effluvium, in which hair falls out all over the scalp due to an interruption in the bodys cycle of hair production anagen effluvium, or rapid hair loss resulting from medical treatment loose anagen syndrome, which most commonly develops in young children and occurs when hair that is not firmly rooted in the follicle early androgenetic alopecia, better known as male pattern hair loss or female pattern hair loss or advanced alopecia areata, an autoimmune disease in which the bodys immune system attacks healthy tissues, including the hair follicles.

During a tug test, the doctor grasps a section of hair and holds it with two hands, one near the root and one near the tip, then tugs to see if any of the strands break in the middle. This test gives the dermatologist information about the brittleness or fragility of your hair strands.

A doctor may use the tug test when he or she suspects a hair shaft abnormality, which causes hair strands to thin, weaken, and possibly break.

Reasons To See A Trichologist

Trichologists treat a wide range of hair and scalp conditions:

Male and Female Hair Loss

Pattern baldness is a common form of hair loss, or alopecia, in men and women. For men, hair is lost in a well-defined pattern, starting above both temples, eventually receding to form a characteristic âMâ shape. Women are more likely to experience overall hair thinning without a receding hairline.

In addition to the emotional aspects of hair loss, pattern baldness in men has been associated with several serious medical conditions, including coronary heart disease, enlargement of the prostate, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

Hair loss in women is associated with an elevated risk of polycystic ovary syndrome , a hormonal imbalance that can cause irregular menstruation, acne, and weight gain.

Hair Shedding

Hair shedding, or telogen effluvium, occurs when large sections of hair fall detach from the scalp. This can be caused by several conditions, including stress, surgery, high fevers, blood loss, hormonal change, and childbirth. Hair shedding is a common side effect of some chemotherapy drugs.

If youâre experiencing hair shedding, a trichologist might be a good place to start. They should be able to direct you to a physician who can help you with underlying conditions.

Scarring Alopecia

Scarring alopecia is caused by inflammatory disorders, chemicals like hair relaxers, and several fungal conditions.

Excessive Hair Growth in Women

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Tests For Cause Of Hair Loss

Firstly, I need to work out why you are losing hair and after examining your scalp will usually ask for

  • Blood tests to exclude anaemia, iron, nutritional deficiency and hormonal imbalances.
  • Biopsy of the scalp Insome patients, a biopsy . It is important to exclude other causes which are treated differently.
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    There are things you can do to prevent further hair loss. Dont wear tight hairstyles like braids, ponytails, or buns that put too much pressure on your hair. Over time, those styles permanently damage your hair follicles.

    Try not to pull, twist, or rub your hair. Make sure youre eating a balanced diet that includes adequate amounts of iron and protein.

    Certain beauty regimens can worsen or cause hair loss.

    If youre currently losing hair, use a gentle baby shampoo to wash your hair. Unless you have extremely oily hair, consider washing your hair only every other day. Always pat the hair dry and avoid rubbing your hair.

    Styling products and tools are also common culprits in hair loss. Examples of products or tools that can affect hair loss include:

    • blow dryers

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    When To Consult A Trichologist

    Trichologists provide solutions to issues related to hair loss, scalp disorders, hair texture problems, pharmaceutical preparations, and hair replacement. The hair specialist may suggest creams and shampoos for treatment. These products have to be used strictly as per the instructions given by the trichologist.

    Who Else Can Help Me With Hair Loss Advice

    If you are looking for hair loss advice, a pharmacist will be happy to help you in the first instance. If you are looking for medical treatment for hair loss which requires a prescription, you can take a free online assessment with a LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor, where there are specialists in hair loss who will help to find the best solution for you. For other resources, you can read through our hair loss advice, which features helpful information for both men and women.

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    What Can A Dermatologist Do About Hair Loss

    When it comes to hair loss, it is quite likely that a trichologist will have seen to a wide range of conditions of hair loss. For this reason, will have more experience.

    However, a dermatologist specializes primarly in skin. It is not likely for a dermatologist to have the same kind of experience as a trichologist in diagnosing and treating hair loss conditions.

    A trichologist is more familiar with patients suffering from hair loss since they come across them more regularly. If a dermatologist has previous knowledge, they will be able to diagnose certain conditions, for example, androgen dependent alopecia, however, are unlikely to successfully treat the condition of hair loss.

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    More often than not, male pattern baldness is something that happens gradually. While the rate at which men lose their hair varies from person to person and is usually determined by genetics, rarely does it cause large clumps of hair to fall out.

    However, for some guys, male pattern baldness is an obvious problem thats defined by lots and lots of hair shedding.

    If youve developed a large bald spot seemingly overnight, or if youve started to notice your hair falling out in large amounts , its usually a sign that youre experiencing significant hair loss.

    This could be due to male pattern baldness, or it could be hair shedding caused by an illness or other health issue. In any case, its best to make an appointment with a hair loss doctor to learn about whats causing your hair loss, as well as what you can do to stop it.

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    What Do Dermatologists Do

    Dermatologists diagnose and treat skin conditions. They also recognize symptoms that appear on your skin which may indicate problems inside your body, like organ disease or failure.

    Dermatologists often perform specialized diagnostic procedures related to skin conditions. They use treatments including:

    • Externally applied or injected medicines.
    • Ultraviolet light therapy.
    • A range of dermatologic surgical procedures, such as mole removal and skin biopsies.
    • Cosmetic procedures, such as chemical peels, sclerotherapy and laser treatments.

    How Does Revifol Work Better For Everyone To Regrow Healthy Hair

    Revifol is the perfect solution to take care of your hair health and support to get back your lost hair naturally.

    Revifol contains natural ingredients that control the production of the steroid called DHT, which is the major reason for hair loss.

    The increased production of the steroid will raise the testosterone level and force you to become older.

    Revifol Supplement will help to reduce the level of DHT and stop clogging the hair follicles. That leads to keep growing healthy hair.

    Even this formula has the ability to suppress the toxic enzyme 5-ARD by providing the desired nutrients, vitamins and minerals to your body, so you can achieve the perfect balance by inhibiting 5-ARD and keep growing back healthy hair naturally.

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    What Kind Of A Doctor Should I Consult For My Hair Fall Problems

    Because different conditions such as thyroiditis, hypopituitarism, congenital adrenal hyperplasia and polycystic ovarian syndrome can cause hair loss, you may need to see a doctor who is a dermatologist or an endocrinologist for treatment. A dermatologist can treat hair loss, which is hereditary, and an endocrinologist can diagnose and treat hair loss symptoms associated with various endocrine disorders.

    A trichologist too can effectively treat your hair loss symptoms. A trichologist is a doctor who specializes in the study of hair and can treat baldness, hair breakage, itchy/flaking scalp and different forms of alopecia.

    Trichologist Is An Expert In Human Hair A Dermatologist Is A Medical Doctor

    Hair Loss Go Away #HairLossGoAway #StopHairLossForGood

    A trichologist is an expert in human hair, from making it look its best through to treating problems with your hair and scalp. A dermatologist is a medical doctor who specializes in skin, hair, and nails and has the training and expertise to conduct a full examination and any necessary tests to give an accurate diagnosis.

    This training and depth of knowledge are vital. Typically a trichologist will train for up to four years. My training to become a dermatologist included six years of medical school, two more years of core medical training, four years specializing in dermatology, then another year on my special interest areas. Thats 13 years of medical training to specialize in skin and hair, giving a depth of knowledge that enables the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of hair loss conditions. I am one of the few dermatologists in the UK who specializes in hair loss.

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    Alternative Options When Experiencing Hair Loss

    Treatments for hair loss range from topical solutions to surgical procedures, depending on hair loss and the cause. Many products, such as minoxidil, were found to be effective by accident. Originally used as a heart medication, health professionals noticed that patients enjoyed thicker, fuller hair, more minor hair fall, and even regrowth.

    Today, this medications topical form, marketed as Regaine, is very effective at slowing hair loss and stimulating hair growth. If a vitamin deficiency is the root cause of hair loss, vitamins and mineral supplements added to the diet can help maintain a healthy scalp and reduce hair loss.

    What Is The Prognosis/outlook For Women With Hair Loss

    Your diagnosis determines the prognosis:

    • Anagen and telogen shedding may stop with time.
    • Treat any diseases associated with hair loss.
    • Disguise or cover your hair loss using a wig or hat.
    • Early treatment of alopecia may reduce the speed of thinning and may promote regrowth.

    While hair loss is not itself dangerous, women with hair loss tend to be very upset by the changes to their appearance. These negative feelings can affect self-esteem and social lives. Recent studies suggest that FPHL can be associated with conditions that include metabolic syndrome, endocrine disorders and diabetes.

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    Different Type Of Cures

    Some conditions will only require one visit and have a quick course of treatment, this could be a case of Tinea Capitis or ringworm, where the diagnosis is very straightforward and the treatment would be oral antifungals.

    On the other hand, some patients may have to work with the trichologist longer term. Especially in cases of hair loss like alopecia areata. In this case the aim of the treatment is to monitor the progression of the condition. Also try different option to at least halt or reverse it as much as possible.

    The majority of patients will be able to work through their condition and achieve normalcy with their hair. However for some, the damage may be permanent and the scalp may have sustained damage or the hair follicles will no longer produce viable hairs. In those type of cases can be referral for hair transplants or wigs.

    This makes it extra important to see a Trichologist as soon as you notice any problems or have concerns with your hair.

    Hair Specialist Solutions For All Hair And Scalp Problems

    Which doctor should I see if Im losing my hair?

    The Hair Specialist Doctors are rightly termed as Trichologist who provide solutions for all hair and scalp problems.

    Now a days many of us suffer from hair and scalp related disorders for which we all seek help from an expert.Many people want to know how they would address their hair and scalp worries in the best possible manner and for which they seek help from a hair doctor.

    Hair specialist doctor is called Trichologist who treats all the hair and scalp related problems with the help of their knowledge and skills.

    HAIR DOCTOR provide solutions based on the hair and scalp problem after a proper examination and analysis.

    The line of treatment generally flows in this manner

    1. Certain trichoactive external applications are provided by the Hair Specialist Doctors to make sure that the scalp and the hair gets exposed to the right products which would help them in dealing with their hair and scalp problems. Also these days there are lots of chemicals which are present in the external applications which are available in the market today and these tricho-active products helps them to stay away from the chemicals further enhancing the health of the hair and the scalp.

    3.Many a times the hair doctor comes across cases in which the hair cannot be grown back which are known as cases which are suffering from Scarring Alopecia problem. For such cases the hair doctor generally provides non-surgical or surgical solutions or both based on the extent of baldness problem.

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    What Do Our Hair Specialists Treat

    Hair specialists at DocsApp treat different kinds of hair and scalp disorders. They use the best techniques right from diagnosis to treatment. Our trichologists are also skilled at providing hair scalp care tips for routine care. Hair fall causes low self-esteem and can be a sign of other internal changes in the body. Consulting a hair care expert is the first step, to evaluate early signs of hair fall, dandruff or any other hair/scalp related issues as the ones mentioned below.


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