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Is Hair Loss A Side Effect Of Mirena

The Mirena Iud’s Side Effect Of Hair Loss

Mirena IUD: Side Effects and Hair Loss!

The manufacturers of the Mirena IUD will tell you that less than five percent of women will experience hair loss while taking or after taking this form of birth control. The reality is that 1,300 women do a Google search for “hair loss + Mirena IUD” every month. That’s at least 15,000 women every year since the Mirena IUD has come out on the birth control market. Are you one of these women who are searching for the link between your hair loss and birth control?

I have been in your shoes, and I am still suffering the repercussions of the Mirena IUD. The actual truth is that the synthetic hormone used in the Mirena IUD wreaks its havoc on your body’s natural hormones and therefore, your own natural endocrine system. Because of this synthetic hormone, you may either experience hair loss while the IUD is in place or after it is removed. Just look up “telogen efluvium” and its potential causes, and you will see that an abrupt change in hormones can lead to sudden hair loss in females.

Now that we know what’s causing it, how do we stop shedding too much hair? How do we grow back what we’ve lost? Here are some personally proven ways that will help stop your hair loss and promote regrowth.

Unexpected Pregnancy & Ectopic Pregnancy

Over a five-year period, about eight in 1,000 women became pregnant while using Mirena, according to Bayers Mirena Welcome Kit. This can be life threatening. It may also cause loss of fertility. Study results on ectopic pregnancy risk are mixed.

In patients becoming pregnant with an IUD in place, septic abortion with septicemia, septic shock, and deathmay occur.

  • Bladder or bowel problems

Women Share Stories Of Hair Loss On The Iud

All it takes is a Google search to find numerous stories from women sharing their hair loss experiences with the Pill and other forms of hormonal birth control. More recently, women on the IUD are noticing similar bad side effects.

In threads on Reddit, women share experiences and advice on hair loss while on the hormonal IUD Kyleena and other birth control methods.

I got the Kyleena inserted in November. My hair started falling out lightly a couple months back, and heavily as of this month. I am FREAKING. OUT. Ive always had thin hair, but I have filled a brush every single day for the last couple weeks and clumps fall out every time I touch it. Ive done nothing different, so I know its the Kyleena. I can see through to my scalp from all over my head now, and Im having to part my hair differently today

Ive had a difficult road with my Kyleena. I spotted for the first two months pretty much continuously, and had horrible brain fog for the first month and a half. And four weeks in, my hair started falling out badly. I thought it would lessen now that my side effects are easing up , but the hair loss is getting worse. I thought it was stress I moved and my job has been really stressful- but my hair is so thin I cant wear it down anymore. I havent had hair loss like this since I came off Accutane almost a decade ago. Honestly, Im scared. Will it stop?

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Replies To This Discussion

Permalink Reply by Darren on February 23, 2009 at 8:58pm
Hi Erin, thank you for sharing your experience. Just to add on that Mirena will also cause the following side effects: Change in menses Weight gain
Permalink Reply by JeffreySF on February 23, 2009 at 9:46pm
Permalink Reply by dana on February 25, 2009 at 4:54pm
Hello,My baby was born with congenital alopecia areata after having IUD for two years.Dana
Permalink Reply by youarebeautiful on January 4, 2014 at 11:50am

Really? How about other hormonal birth control methods? Any other trends?

Permalink Reply by Colleen Hebert on March 23, 2009 at 5:03pm
Thanks so much for getting back to me so fast! I just made an appt with my derm for tomorrow, so i’ll let you know what she says! I agree with you in hopes that the Mirena is the cause because it will be so easy to have it removed and be the end of my problem. But at the same time i hope it isnt just because i’ve been so pleased with using the IUD, the ease of it. I also have been on some form of bc since i was 16- i completely understand where your comeing from! anyway, thanks again!
Permalink Reply by MadAtMirena on August 11, 2016 at 1:36pm

Hello – can you give an update to your hair loss? I am going through the same thing right now and looking for hope! I know this is an old post but I hope you will respond!

How Does The Mirena Iud Work

Hair loss and Mirena  O& G Magazine

The Mirena is a small, T-shaped plastic device that is placed into the uterus by a medical professional. The IUD releases the hormone progestin to prevent pregnancy. Once Mirena is inserted, it releases amounts of levonorgestrel hormone, thickening the mucus in the cervix while thinning the lining of the uterus and preventing sperm from entering, Mirena inhibits reproduction in the following ways:

  • alters the lining of the uterus to make it thinner, therefore making it more difficult for a fertilized egg to implant within the womb
  • prevents the release of an egg from your ovary
  • thickens the mucus in the cervix to prevent sperm from entering and fertilizing an egg

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When To See A Doctor About Hair Loss

Hair loss and thinning hair can sometimes be a sign of a condition that needs treatment. You should see a doctor if:

  • your hair loss is sudden
  • hair is coming out in clumps
  • you get bald patches
  • your head burns and itches
  • your hair loss is worrying you, making you feel low, knocking your self-esteem, affecting your social life or confidence
  • youre worried your hair loss might suggest an underlying condition

Research into the adverse psychological effect of losing your hair has linked it to low self-esteem, depression, introversion, and feelings of unattractiveness. Hardly surprising in our image-obsessed culture.

Its important to let your doctor know if your hair loss is affecting your mood, as they may be able to offer support or suggest treatment.

Can Hair Loss Caused By Mirena Be Reversed

If youve noticed hair loss, its important that you visit a doctor to find out if theres any other possible explanation. Your doctor will likely check for vitamin and mineral deficiencies and assess your thyroid function.

While it may be difficult to prove that Mirena is the cause of your hair loss, if your doctor cant find another explanation, you may wish to have the IUD removed.

In the small New Zealand study, 2 of the 3 women who removed their IUD due to concerns about hair loss reported to have successfully regrown their hair following removal.

There are also a few lifestyle changes and home remedies that can help you regenerate your hair, such as:

  • eating a well-balanced diet with plenty of protein
  • treating any nutritional deficiencies, especially of vitamins B-7 and B complex, zinc, iron, and vitamins C, E, and A
  • lightly massaging your scalp to promote circulation
  • taking good care of your hair and avoiding pulling, twisting, or harsh brushing
  • avoiding heat styling, excessive bleaching, and chemical treatments on your hair

It can take months before you even begin to notice regrowth, so youll have to be patient. You can try a wig or hair extensions to help cover up the area in the meantime.

Dont hesitate to seek emotional support, including therapy or counseling, if youre having a hard time coping with the hair loss.

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Help Your Hair Look Its Best

  • eat a nutritious balanced diet
  • use products and styling methods that keep your scalp and hair healthy
  • avoid shampooing every day as this can dry out the hair and more likely to break
  • apply shampoo to keep your scalp healthy rather than thinking about it as a way to clean your hair. Scalp debris and build-up can negatively impact hair growth. Your hair gets enough cleaning when you rinse the shampoo off the scalp and out of your hair
  • untangle your hair before you wash it apply shampoo to your scalp with your fingertips and rub gently
  • although shampoos and wash-out conditioners are unlikely to have any effect on the hair growth cycle or thickness, they can help your hair look and feel more shiny and manageable
  • check your shampoo doesnt contain sodium lauryl sulphate, but the more moisturising sodium laureth sulfate, or choose one without either. Ingredient jargon calls them cationic, non-ionic and amphoteric which are milder, less irritating and leave hair even more manageable
  • there is some evidence to suggest a leave-in preparation with ingredients of caffeine, niacinamide, panthenol, dimethicone and an acrylate polymer can increase the thickness of the hair fibres and reduce the risk of breakage
  • use protective styling techniques. Avoid regular heat styling such as hairdryers, use wide-toothed combs, and brushes with rounded tips, and avoid regular bleaching, perming and permanent dyes

Use Of Misoprostol Before Insertion


A 2007 study suggested that the use of misoprostol before IUD insertion allowed for easier insertion.32 However, more recent studies show no benefit and increased side effects with misoprostol.3335 The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists makes no recommendation regarding the use of misoprostol before IUD insertion.

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Hold On Can An Iud Change My Hair Texture

Hormones do play an important role in hair-growth cycles, and hormonal changes could lead to premature shedding or ongoing hair loss. Some peoples follicles are particularly sensitive to the hormonal shifts that come along with birth control, which could, in turn, impact hair shedding and texture.

Hair texture can change depending on the type and extent of the hair loss and can sometimes lead to finer hair, hair thinning and the miniaturization of the hair follicles, said Dr. Chacon.

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How To Get Pregnant After Using Mirena

If you have the Mirena IUD and decide to conceive, your ability to get pregnant returns soon after the removal of the IUD. If you do get pregnant and have a child, once confirmation from your healthcare professional is received, re-insertion of the Mirena IUD is possible. Once reinserted , you can safely breastfeed your child.

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Why Use The Mirena Iud For Birth Control

Once inserted, Mirena effectively prevents pregnancy for up to 5 years. Mirena is more than 99% effective, during the course of up to five years. The long term effectiveness of this device makes it an attractive option for those who do not want to conceive at present but may wish to do so in the future. Regular appointments/maintenance are not required once the device is in place.

Does Mirena Cause Weight Gain And Bloating

MAJOR HAIR LOSS (Mirena IUD since 9/21) : birthcontrol

As Mirena is a hormonal IUD , there are chances of weight gain . This weight gain is mainly due to the hormone progestin that causes water retention and bloating . Some lifestyle changes may be necessary to avoid weight gain , such as exercising regularly, eating healthy, and other weight loss methods.

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Does Mirena Cause Hair Loss

The product label for Mirena lists alopecia as one of the side effects reported in less than 5 percent of women who received the IUD during clinical trials. Alopecia is the clinical term for hair loss.

While hair loss isnt very common in Mirena users, the number of women who reported hair loss during clinical trials was noteworthy enough to list it as a relevant adverse reaction on the products label.

Following Mirenas approval, there have only been a few studies done to find out if Mirena is related to hair loss.

One large Finnish study of women using an IUD containing levonorgestrel, like Mirena, noted hair loss rates of nearly 16 percent of participants. This study surveyed women who had a Mirena IUD inserted between April 1990 and December 1993. However, the study didnt rule out other possible reasons for their hair loss.

A later review of post-marketing data in New Zealand found that hair loss was reported in less than 1 percent of Mirena users, which is in line with the Mirena product label. In 4 out of 5 of these cases, the timeframe in which hair loss occurred was known and started within 10 months of IUD insertion.

Since other possible causes of hair loss were ruled out in some of these women, the researchers believe theres reasonably strong evidence to suggest that the IUD caused their hair loss.

Mirena Iud Toxic Shock Syndrome

Toxic shock syndrome is a rare but potentially deadly condition that can be caused by the use of certain types of contraceptive devices, including the Mirena IUD. Symptoms of toxic shock syndrome include fever, rash, vomiting, and diarrhea. If left untreated, the condition can lead to organ failure and death.

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What Should I Do If I Am Experiencing Hair Loss Because Of My Iud

If your gut is telling you that your IUD might be causing your hair loss, then follow your instinct. And while youre at it, talk to your doctor immediately. Considering that hormones are essential in hair growth, changes in hormone levels can result in hair loss.

Our hair follicles are unique. Therefore, some peoples hair follicles might be more sensitive to the hormonal changes that come with IUDs.

But proving to your doctor that your IUD is to blame for your hair loss may be difficult. Moreover, in some cases, your doctor may not even be able to explain your hair loss. If you are considering having your IUD removed, be sure to talk with your doctor first.

Hormonal Iud Vs Copper Iud For Birth Control

Hair loss may be linked to IUD/Mirena

If youre considering getting an IUD, the first choice you have to make is to choose between its two types. Are you going to opt for a hormonal IUD or a copper IUD?

Both types are small, T-shaped devices only a nurse or doctor can insert into the uterus. Both are also equally safe and effective at preventing pregnancy but they work differently to fulfill this purpose.

The hormonal IUD uses a hormone called progestin and releases it into your body. One of the most popular hormonal IUDs in the market is Mirena.

Hormonal IUDs keep you from being pregnant by thickening the mucus in your cervical canal. That way, the sperm cant get through the uterus and will not be able to reach the egg.

Meanwhile, the copper IUD is non-hormonal. It doesnt make use of hormones. Instead, it prevents pregnancy with the copper ions released through the copper wire wrapped around it. The copper is toxic to sperm and deactivates it. The only copper IUD approved for sale in the United States is Paragard.

But despite being popular among women, the Paragard IUD has already been named in several lawsuits filed in the court.

You read that right.

Plaintiffs in the Paragard lawsuits allege that the device is prone to breakage, resulting in dangerous side effects such as the IUD perforating the uterus which requires surgical removal. Although complications from the use of an IUD are rare, they can still occur. Several side effects may be experienced by women after having an IUD inserted.

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